An intriguing book, based on a true story, centered on the subject of an attempted sabotage of a man’s career by the intelligence services. The author delivers a raw account of what happens when you become the target of important people, and how difficult it can be to overcome everything that followed.
My thoughts:
I love reading books based on true stories, and this particular certainly did not disappoint. Knowing that the author actually went through what I read in the book, I was shocked to find out the length intelligence services are willing to go to. From spy games to dirty tricks, this is a real-life experience and it scares me to think that something like this might happen to anyone.
Attempted sabotage, spy game, intelligence services… these are the topics you would see usually explored in a blockbuster movie. Yet, this is a true story, and it shatters the comfortable bubble in which we live every day. I applaud the author for having the courage to share his story, without leaving anything out.
The writing style was just spot on, making the story even more gripping and dramatic. Here you have a normal guy, whose life was turned inside down, who had no real help… and yet he found the power to put his story into the worlds. Throughout the book, you could see prevailing concepts, including corruption and abuse. You could understand what a shock it was to end up interrogated by the Camsterdam Brigade, realizing that even the highest powers are corrupted.
This definitely was an interesting read! Once again, I applaud the author for finding the courage to write his story, and also for the fact that he fought against the permanent harassment. In some ways, the book reminded me of “1984”, but it also drew attention to the fact that we have gotten used to living in a comfortable bubble, rarely thinking about the dark side of life. The author went into great detail, delivering a brilliantly-written story. Well done!
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