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Writer's pictureAlexandra Antipa

[Book Review] A Hiatus from the Loaded Past, [Author] Snehashree Mandal

A collection of poems and vignettes, centered around themes humanity has explored for ages. Love, life, and death come together in writing, with the author making an invitation to introspection and meditation.

I found the book to be an interesting read, and I loved the fact that the name of the author stands for “treasure of love”. Split into six different chapters, it offers an exciting experience for those who love poetry.

Throughout the book, as we move from one wonderful creation to the other, we are reminded that happiness lies in the little things. The author takes us on a journey of the soul, showing her opinion on the lives of women, eternal love and scent memory. Even cats have been brought into the poetic universe.

What are some of the things the author could improve? I would like the themes approached in the book to be more clearly defined, perhaps a small introduction at the beginning of each chapter would help us understand the idea behind the poetic effort.

These are some of my favorite lines:

“There was nothing that she could not do/Lyra had learnt it all” (Lyra: Her mulling efforts)

“Will love have a face? Will love be wild like an animal? Will love be smooth like butter? Will love be offensive and brash as she had always found it around her friends?” (Xixi and the muffins)

“I spent a lot of time knowing good from bad/I spent a lot of time knowing bad from good.” (The full moon)

“Tears are a window when your vision is a blur, yet you can see quite clean, crimson and reds, whites and blues of the green world.” (Tears are good!)

“Love is like loving you no less, yet more.” (Love is)

My favorite was “Lamenting thoughts for Mondays”. Why? Who would not want to forget about Mondays, and spend his/her time instead on a beach?


What makes this book special? Simple. We have all these lovely worlds coming together, each tale leaving a mark on our soul. Through this collection of poems and vignettes, the author forces us, but in a pleasant way, to search the answer to eternal questions. A pleasant read overall.

About the author:

I am Snehashree. I am from India, the land of vivid colors and I am brown, slightly blue and red. My name means treasure of love. I am myself not sure how I can be a treasure trove of love for others? But, I am honestly trying to make space, to show compassion and to grow in this dimension, I need to feel love myself. Writing seems to be that form of love that rejuvenates me, refreshes me. Given I am quite shy, aloof and my vibes match rarely I mostly have a lot of me time, and at going-to be-37 I might be a little late to begin my journey with writing but I must say it's going to last till I die. This is my first official book on Amazon- A hiatus from the loaded past. The name means a break from all the load I carried from my past. All those stories that were locked in my chest. It's a small poetry collection and is loaded with small short stories, you can call them flash fictions mostly. But, yes like every poetry book, these too, have their own stories from which they sprang out. I share those stories on my Instagram page (Instagram handle is @Sne8798). You can also follow me on Twitter (Twitter handle is @SnehashreeMand1). Yes! My website is very new and I slowly have decided to begin my work over there. I also run a blog on WordPress, which again needs some care and attention from my end-

Get your copy of “A Hiatus from the Loaded Past” from here!

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