This debut novel is a crime thriller that will keep you on your toes. It is perfect for those who love crime fiction and it contains plenty of twists and turns, so you can never call it predictable. The characters add to the value of the reading experience, and the author managed to wrap the story nicely.
My thoughts:
I often read crime thrillers and the last thing I want is for such a story to be predictable. The author did not disappoint in this area, delivering a book that is filled with dramatic changes. Natasha is a well-developed character, who struggles with poverty, but has enough ambition to fight for a better life.
The story takes her from Russia to the United States, where she will end up in the adult industry. A few years later, she will marry an American businessman, only to discover he has deep connections to the world of crime. What will happen in the end? You will have to read the book to find out. All I can say is that Natasha will end up at a point where she must decide how things are going to go.
I think that this story has potential, but I would have liked for it to be properly edited before publication. First-time authors are always eager to publish their works, and they might not pay enough attention to this step. Luckily, books can be re-edited and re-published, so this should not be an issue. I also was not too drawn to the title and subtitle of the book, I think they are not representative of the story.
With proper editing and a new title, I believe this book is worth giving a try. The author delivered a strong main character, and his story is not predictable, which is a strong point in my opinion. Fans of crime fiction will definitely enjoy his work!
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