The first book in the Yogi Superhero Series written by the talented Anna Smithers. As the mother of a little girl, I am always on the lookout for inspiring books. Yogi Superhero seems to fit the description to perfection, as a book which helps children discover the benefits of yoga, mindfulness and emotion management.
My thoughts:
With beautiful illustrations and kind words, the author introduces children to yoga as a way to calm a busy mind and manage negative emotions in a healthy manner. I think that the book delivers a brilliant perspective on life, helping children understand they hold the power of making positive changes.
Any kid can become a yoga superstar and tame the hidden monsters, as the author cleverly puts it. The story is delivered by Anna Smithers, who is also a yoga instructor. Throughout the book, you can feel the love she bears for children, and how she poured her heart and soul into the story.
What did I like about the book?
· The idea – what an inspiring way to introduce kids to concepts that would have been otherwise hard to understand, and here I’m talking about self-soothing, positive thinking, and mindfulness.
· Kind of story that kids can learn from, time and time again – they can return to the book when feeling stressed or anxious, using it to unwind or calm down.
· Beneficial physical activity – book is filled with easy-to-follow poses, teaching kids how to rely on yoga to increase their strength, flexibility, and coordination. I love books of this kind, as I feel we are gaining something extra besides the actual reading experience.
· Stunning illustrations – I feel that inspiring stories need beautiful illustrations to bring them to life and I am thankful for the talent of wonderful illustrators like the one who has contributed to this book.
Young children are easily overwhelmed by emotions and I believe that books like Yogi Superhero can be really useful when it comes to developing their emotional health. The perfect introduction to the wonderful world of yoga.
Grab your copy of the book from here!
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